Purchase the
product you want,
at a payment that's right for your budget!
Short-Term & Long-Term Finance

Find The Shed Or Other Backyard Product You Want Or Need.
Shop with any RTO Finance Dealer Partner or visit to get matched with the certified, pre-leased unit or custom building that’s right for you.

Submit A Finance Application Online Or In-Store and Get Approved.
You’ll receive a near-instant response. You can then proceed with financing the storage solution you want or with one click, complete a Lease Purchase Agreement Application.
Your repayment plan features a set number of payments at a fixed APR.

Pay Over Time. See your activity and make easy payments at our customer payment portal.
Ways to Pay 24/7:
- Online in the Customer Payment Center
Additional Ways to Pay:
- Money Order
- Auto draft
Mailed-in Check
PO Box 746497
Atlanta, GA 30374-6497
- Speak with a Customer Payment Specialist by calling (866) 983-6900 during business hours.